Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 4, 2019

Let's Talk . . . About the Truth


Mere days after a jury unanimously concluded that Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller caused Edwin Hardeman’s cancer, Monsanto’s parent company, Bayer, took out a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal with this headline: “Let’s talk about Roundup® herbicides.”

As you might expect, Bayer’s ad wasn’t intended to discuss the truth about Roundup—it was intended to spread the same old lies.

The fact that Bayer was willing to splurge for an ad (the going rate for a WaPo full-page ad is $163,422) to try to convince the public that Roundup is safe, speaks volumes.

We can’t spend that kind of money on mainstream media advertising to counter the multitude of lies by companies like Monsanto and Bayer.

Instead, we’ve always relied on people like you to spread the truth by sharing our emails, and promoting our messages on social media.

That is, until now. But now our message is under attack.

We’re halfway through our spring fundraising campaign, but only a quarter way toward our goal. Please donate by midnight March 31, so your donation can be matched dollar-for-dollar by

This didn’t happen overnight. But it happened. And it’s getting worse. Everyday.

Our ability to speak the truth about Monsanto and other corporate agribusiness giants is under attack—by the corporations that don’t want you to know what their products are really doing to you, and to our entire earthly ecosystem.

Powerful corporations, backed by people like pro-GMO Bill Gates, are working to silence us. And to make it more difficult than ever to raise the money we need to do this work.

The fact that juries have found in favor of Monsanto’s victims in two landmark trials . . . and the fact that Monsanto-Bayer is facing nearly 9,000 more similar lawsuits . . . has these corporate criminals running scared.

Their only recourse? Silence the critics. Censor the truth.

Under the guise of stopping "fake news," internet watchdogs are burying alternative news that threatens the financial interests of companies like Monsanto and Bayer.

Only a fraction of what we post on social media is getting through to your news feeds.

Google is deciding what emails will go to your inbox—and which ones will go to spam.

Our job may be getting harder. But our determination to uncover the truth is stronger than ever.

As historian and activist Howard Zinn put it:

“. . . I suppose the most revolutionary act one can engage in is . . . to tell the truth.”

So, to Bayer and Monsanto, we say, “Yes, let’s talk. But let’s talk about the truth.”

And let’s keep talking . . . in voices so loud, and so persistent, that no amount of money will be able to silence them.

Please help keep our voices strong! Please donate by midnight March 31, so your donation can be matched dollar-for-dollar by


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